Danh Sách Bài Hát



bài hát

Jennifers Song

(For Jennifer Shriver Barrett...I swear someday we're gonna take
that cruise we saved all those nickels for!)

I haven't seen her since my wedding
She's had two kids since then
My bet is she's still thinner now
Than I will ever be again
At Christmastime I'll call her
And for my birthday she'll send me a card
And in a page or fifteen minutes
We'll catch up on how things are

Well, we grew up in Ohio
In a small suburban neighborhood
She lived across the street from where I did
It's where I always thought I would
We did everything together
Like painting sewer tops yellow and green
Riding bicycles and whirly-birds,
And dressing up on Halloween

She was 6 and I was 7
When the Mayflower van parked outside
It's the first move I remember
But all I remember is we both cried (Lord, how we cried!)
Still I came back every summer
And though my parents swore
"Just for the day!" (And this time they mean it!)
Somehow, we always managed to arrange
For me to stay (Just one more night, please?)

I don't know what it is about us
I don't know what it is that we have
But I know that it is something
Only best friends can understand

We grew up and we grew older
We grew distant and a few gray hairs
She's living in Connecticut
I'm in Nashville when I'm not playing here
We have different friends and interests
We lead separate lives in separate worlds
But we still share all those memories
That forever keep us both as little girls

I don't know what it is about us
I don't know what it is that we have
But I know that it is something
That Jennifer will understand
Yeah, my best friend's name is Jennifer
She always understands

I haven't seen her since my wedding...